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Become a Member

​Membership in the Cincinnati Tri-State Chapter of NIRI includes regular meetings on important IR practices and trends that provide valuable educational and networking opportunities for members.


Membership in the NIRI National is a prerequisite of membership in the Cincinnati Tri-State Chapter. The “graduate school” of investor relations, NIRI National provides access to conferences, publications and networking for the development of its members. Benefits of joining NIRI National include a wide variety of educational and professional development resources, including:

  • Reduced registration rates for the National Annual Conference (held each June) and seminars on investor relations and specialized topics throughout the year.

  • Subscriptions to NIRI flagship publication, IR Update. Other publications including Standards of Practice for Investor Relations, policy statements, and surveys on annual reports, technology, compensation and IR trends.

  • Access to a Sample Document Library with resources such as guidance for corporate disclosure, model job descriptions and sample IR plans provided by NIRI members.

  • Access to the NIRI Career Center, a job board of IR openings, and an online membership directory.

Membership Fees

  • Membership in the NIRI Cincinnati Tri State Chapter costs $200 per year and includes meals at all regular chapter meetings.

  • Membership in NIRI National costs $725 per year.

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