Become a Member
​Membership in the Cincinnati Tri-State Chapter of NIRI includes regular meetings on important IR practices and trends that provide valuable educational and networking opportunities for members.
Membership in the NIRI National is a prerequisite of membership in the Cincinnati Tri-State Chapter. The “graduate school” of investor relations, NIRI National provides access to conferences, publications and networking for the development of its members. Benefits of joining NIRI National include a wide variety of educational and professional development resources, including:
Reduced registration rates for the National Annual Conference (held each June) and seminars on investor relations and specialized topics throughout the year.
Subscriptions to NIRI flagship publication, IR Update. Other publications including Standards of Practice for Investor Relations, policy statements, and surveys on annual reports, technology, compensation and IR trends.
Access to a Sample Document Library with resources such as guidance for corporate disclosure, model job descriptions and sample IR plans provided by NIRI members.
Access to the NIRI Career Center, a job board of IR openings, and an online membership directory.